久違的Sri Petaling, 曾住在Bukit Jalil的我, 而且幾乎每一天的早午晚餐都在Sri Petaling解決, 但自從搬去Puchong了就不曾踏入 Sri Petaling, 現在的 Sri Petaling 在我印象中越來越多東西吃但越來越塞. 之前就覺得很塞了, 也沒什麼車位, 現在新的店舖越來越多, 車位自然也增加但車和人也自然越來越多.
Soft Launch 也是因為和妹妹說去Sri Petaling夜市走走, 也很巧下午在網上看見 Soft Launch, 我就來啦! 更巧的是本應該星期二沒開的, 但是因為Raya Eve, Soft Launch 照常營業. 一切來得太巧了 😁😁
Maybe not choose to going back for their waffle, not so like their waffle, just feeling got one more extra taste inside the waffle which I don't really like this. But yes for their soft serve and maybe will try their coffee next time 👍🏻

One part of the menu

Soft Launch Cafe @ Sri Petaling
Address: 101-1, Jln Radin Bagus, Sri Petaling
Phone: 03-9054 8686
Working Hours: Mon - Fri 12pm - 11pm, Sat & Sun 11am - 11pm, CLOSE TUESDAY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/softlaunchcafe/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Soft-Launch-Cafe-1694363934112750/
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