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[八打灵再也 Petaling Jaya] Naughty Nuri @ Subang SS15 The Courtyard

星期五快乐, 又有美食介绍咯~ 這家是间巴厘岛美食餐厅, 招牌是 "猪肋骨", 这家就位於梳邦SS15但也有其他分店(网上查查就行了咯), 就在于 Donute coffee house 對面, 而且如果吃不飽還能到附近再吃吃. 雖然價錢不會是那麼的便宜, 但蠻值得吃的 (對肉食人來說).

1) 个人认为这家会比 Morganfield 好吃, 醬料比較香也不會那麼膩.
2) 而且不時有員工跳舞助興, 也有不少朋友們到哪兒慶祝生日, 還滿high的, 氣氛蠻不錯的.
3) 点上酒精类的饮料可能都会以舞蹈歌曲送到你桌上 (影片如下 ⬇️)
***最最最主要的事就是記得寫上你的名字電話, 等候你的桌位 (就覺得這方法蠻好的, 至少不需毫無頭緒的站/坐著等, 這樣還能到處逛看看走走).

A Bali Indonesia style 🇮🇩 restaurant where people come for their "Pork Ribs", seriously i feel it better than Morganfield abit, I think the price also slightly lower abit than Morganfield,. Btw, it's just locate at Subang SS15, you can just take train to SS15 station, and it's just infront of Donutes Coffee House, maybe you can take a try for it :)

  img_4780-1 img_4779-1  Provided Wifi but I cant connect with it. 😰 
  Famous Pork Ribs 
img_4783 img_4794-1 img_4785 img_4789-1  Cafe Latte 
Pork Platter?! Cost around RM38 
I love this, this is nice! 

Naughty Nuri's Subang
Address: SS15, 47500 Subang Jaya
Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs: 11:00 - 00:00, Fri-Sat: 11:00 - 01:00, Sun: 11:00 - 00:00
Phone Number: 012-666 4108

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